Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Research is Key

In order to better understand how angels work with the magickal folk I have tentatively began to study the history of angel magick. First, I am cracking open my fears and getting past them to read up on Enochian magick. This system of magick has been given a lot of bad press, so learning that reading and doing are two different things is important for me. So stayed tuned friends as I research, learn,. and develop my own personal practice of angel magick!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Turn, turn turn..

After a long period of creativity and focus on art, the hibernation is coming to an end. The angels are allowing me to see and hear more clearly. They are helping to work through some sadness and financial worries that have been sneaking into my life. I will continue to bring you angel info as I continue studying.