Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Simple Angel Prayer

"Angels far and angels wide,
Travel across the land,
Settle near at my side,
And stay close at hand."

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Angel Bio - Gabriel: The Herald

Angel of Divine Messages 

One of the most well known angels, its not hard to conjure the image of Gabriel. Usually with a golden horn in tow. The image can be a bit intimidating and so can his messages. But Gabriel isn't all business all the time. Though it can seem like it, if you have an honest heart and are really honest with yourself he tends not to be so frightful. 'Try your hardest' is his motto and as long as you hold to it there is more than enough reassurance under his big fluffy wings.
  As a herald of divine messages, Gabriel is associated with prayer, communication, careers, and more. He is a guide to help people find their true calling and go for it. If you are looking for your purpose or your vocational, ask Gabriel for help. Like a GPS, Gabriel knows where you are at all times and knows where you are going. Just ask for the inspiration and he will point the way. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Coming Harvests and a Silent Pause

As we approach the harvest festivals the themes of sacrifice, death, and rebirth are called up. While not the most uplifting topic to ponder, it does help put things in perspective. And with so many tragedies coming through the world, a moment of silent thought is sometimes called for. But it doesn't need to be frightful or sad. Like all other things, there are angels that were given roles to help with the transition. Cassiel, angel of tears, is the quiet comforter of the sorrowful and oppressed. Cameal, angel of unconditional love, helps us find peace and acceptance. The most feared angels though, are the angels of death. Yet Azrael is the first to come to the aid of the grieving and bring as much comfort as he can. The angels don't get to choose their duties and have enough patience to help us deal with our fears. In a time of coming winter, give a pause to thank these angels for doing more for us than we can imagine.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Preparing For Day

For the next few weeks I am preparing for a Pagan Pride Day in which I intend to sell a few things. So for now I will be busy getting crafts, paintings, and jewelry made! If you are in the Dayton area, its September 8th, so google it and you'll be set!