Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Healing Focus

A new focus for winter has been pointed out to me. There are a few things I need to do this winter that I think will help everyone in the long run. Firstly, I will be 'training' under the angel Raphael to heal my own self. AND I will also be exploring other healing ways, including reiki. My theme for winter is 'healing' and I have one of the best teachers to help me understand all that comes with it. Wish me luck!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Costume Ideas

With Halloween coming next week its a great time to play dress up!
Break out your favorite angel gear and let's see what your angel impressions are. Whether its a typical robe and sparkling halo or a black trench coat. Play around with it. Bring out the cowboy hat and wings.

Fun Costume ideas:

Michael - sports jerserys, surfer theme, fake swords and armor

Azrael- grim reaper robe, business suit

Camael- monk robes, asian style clothes

Azrael- animal themed clothing, forest ranger theme, safari hats

Iophiel- party wear, rainbow sparkles, jewelry

Keep your mind open and start enjoying your holiday!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Spirits on Halloween

As fall and winter set in, I can already feel the quietness brimming. Although Halloween will be the big rush of spirits before the calm. I'm hoping to set up a ritual for Samhain (halloween) before the winter energy cools everything down.
Get ready for some hefty spiritual energies this coming Halloween!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Angel Bio - Cassiel : Solitary Guardian

Solitary Guardian

Cassiel is not an angel you hear a lot about. He is the guardian of the oppressed, the comforter of the crying, and the angel to call upon in the midst of those stormy nights. As angel of solitude and tears, Cassiel is a gentle angel that wants to help those in need. At first he can be scary as lurking in the dark and coming out under moonlight is his motif. But he is a kind spiritual being that helps up stand up against our inner fears and doubts. Cassiel especially loves Halloween. The costumes, the revelry, and the running around as the veil is thinnest all excite him. As the angel of the planet Saturn, his is associated with the earth and time.
In magick, Cassiel loves to work in protection rituals and spells. He is also good to have in working with your shadow aspect. Cassiel is a good companion and his energies are soft and subtle. He is a shoulder to cry on and a guardian to rely on.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The many things in life..

There have been many things going on in my life right now. From my new marriage, a new job, to my husband's anxiety. but things are looking up and i am hoping to explore a whole new side of my path. There are bright things in the future and i plan on living my life to the fullest.

Bright blessings on your coming quietness.