Friday, October 7, 2011


Messages from the angels are not always upfront and clear. Sometimes the "white ram" could be the white dodge truck that parks across the street from your office window. Like many things in religion, angels use metaphor when dealing with people. Some more than others.Here is an example from my life.

Around 2 years ago I was meditating, trying to calm and relax my mind. This was before I began talking to angels in a more simple and direct way. During my meditation I struck up a conversation with angel Cassiel. We hadn't talked for a bit and I had just finished a great book about angels. When our conversation was nearing a close I asked him, "All right. Just so I know I'm not crazy, could you give me a sign that I'm not crazy?"  Cassiel replied without hesitation even as I was finishing up the question, "Black dragon." And with that, he was gone.
Well I stretched and went about my day. During the afternoon had a craving to visit my local new age store. Yes, dragons are probably a dime a dozen in there so how can that count? You'll see.  As I was browsing the books two ladies came into the store and went straight to the counter to look at jewelry. I didn't pay much attention to them. They talked to the store owner and looked at jewelry. I really didn't think much of it until suddenly I felt the strangest sensation. My mind zoned out, my senses got fuzzy just for a second. Then I heard the word 'dragon.' My attention was caught and I listened to the women. One woman was explaining that she was creating a dragon sculpture out of tires for her yard. I got the visualization of this tire dragon, black and beaming in the woman's yard. I sighed and smiled all at once. I gave props to Cassiel for his craftiness and keep my mind open for signs from the angels.

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