Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ritual : Healing Waters of Assiel

 picture not owned by AU blog

Assiel (Ay-see-el  or Au-see-el) is an angel of healing, but healing through water. While he mainly deals with the bladder, kidneys, and blood his healing touch can be applied further than just these areas. This small ritual is for sending healing energy into your body or the body of one who needs healing.

-Green or teal ribbon
-Lavender, raspberry leaf, or peppermint
-Photograph of person in need of healing (if it is not yourself or if they are not present. This picture should also be disposable)

Fill your teapot with water and heat it up. As it sits on the stove or in the microwave getting warm, cut a length of ribbon.  Place the ribbon to the side, it should be long enough to tie around the affected area of the body. For a picture, cut just enough to tie around the picture. Next set out less than a handful of your herb of choice. Take your supplies into the bathroom. Return to gather your teapot when the water is hot.

Ritual : Healing Waters of Assiel

Bring your teapot, now full of very hot water, into the bathroom and place it on the counter. Pull the lid off and set it to the side. Scoop up your herb and hold them in both hands. Close your eyes and hold your herb up as if you were offering it up. Take a deep breath and imagine a soft blue light hovering just over the herb, feel it rushing over your hands and shedding soft energy into the herb. Say,

"Through this bounty of the earth our bodies partake of health."

Open your eyes. Drop the herbs into the teapot and put the lid back on. Hold your hands just over the teapot, close your eyes. Visualize the blue light swirling around the teapot and move into the teapot to fill up the water. Say,

"Through the essence of water our hearts partake of wellness."

Open your eyes and take up the ribbon. Tie the ribbon around the part of your body in need of healing. If this is your torso, neck or head, make sure you cut a long enough piece of ribbon to tie it loosely around the area. For the picture tie the ribbon around the photograph. When you are done, close your eyes and say,

"Through my intention I mark the place that healing is needed."

While the herbs are soaking draw yourself a bath. If you can't draw a bath run the shower. If the area is small you can use the sink. Fill the sink for the photograph. As the water is running, close your eyes. Visualize the swirling blue light moving around and into the waters. It infuses the water with light. Say,

"The angel Assiel bless these waters. On this day where your guidance and help is needed, please aid me with your blessing."

Open your eyes. Continue filling up the tub/sink/(let the shower run) until it is filled enough to accommodate you. Step back and reverently take your teapot and place it on the floor (or counter) beside your tub/sink/shower. Get into the water and take a few deep breathes to relax you. The ribbon should be on still and the area/photograph should be submerged or soaked. Take the teapot and slowly pour its steeped water into the tub/sink. If using the shower pour the water slowly over the affected area. Make sure it is not hot enough to hurt you. Close your eyes. Visualize that water seeping deeply into your body. It is blue light that spreads from your skin down to your bones. It moves and fluctuates in your body. Take a deep breath in and feel its warm energy bringing healing. Exhale and see bit of grey oily substance leaking out of your skin, being replaced by the light. With each exhale, see more of the oil move from your body and into the surrounding water, or down the drain for the shower. For the photo, imagine the other person encased in the water of light and see the oil rising to the surface to be destroyed.
When you are ready to get out of the tub take one more deep breath. Let your gratitude and love of life overwhelm your heart. Imagine your body strong and healthy. Open your eyes and get out of the tub or shower, Take the picture from the sink. Sit back and unplug the tub or sink, let the shower run a few seconds longer. Watch the water move down the drain and as the last of it goes say,

"And the blessing of Assiel be with you."

Take the ribbon off and let it dry. Once dry it can be used again and again. It can also become a trigger for healing even without the ritual.

-Do first ritual on a full moon
-Do ritual once a week for 1 month or more if needed
-You can place amethysts into the tub/sink for extra healing energy
-Rubbing the affected area of your body with a healing stone can amplify the energies

Note: If you feel more comfortable using Raphael instead of Assiel, you can substitute them

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