Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Moving Forward

Tonight I learned something I have never quite let sink in. I feel that it is a lesson that good people don't usually don't assimilate into themselves. It took me 10 years to really let it hit home and so far I feel replenished by it. This must have been one of the reasons the angels have been a bit quieter lately. So the message I have finally come to know is this....

"You deserve better."

Its not that I deserve a better life, car, or what have you. It is that I deserve to reach for what I want out of life and have it. Sure, the Universe would accept my choice to live as I do and work retail my entire life. But that is not what I want. This lesson, message, wasn't just from the Universe, gods, or spirits. It was from me, myself, to me. I have finally given myself permission to rise above the lowly standards I have held for myself. If only I could plan on walking in a certain direction. I'll figure it out. Bright blessings.

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